The Robot Co-op

Entries from May 2010

How to get all your stories from 43 People

May 27, 2010 · 3 Comments

Thank you to everyone for the feedback on 43 People. We whipped up a page that will show you all the stories by and about you, including all the comments for each story.

You can get to this page at the bottom of your profile page, by clicking “see all stories.” From there, you can save the HTML file, or copy/paste the content of individual stories to 43 Things, etc.

For instance, the URL for my page is:

Note that this page can be very big, so it may take a while to load. We’ve tested it on some of our most prolific users and we don’t think there are any issues, but please let us know if you find any.  We’ll give everyone plenty of time to get your stories archived before we shut down 43 People.

Categories: Announcements

Robot Co-op Diet Update

May 26, 2010 · 9 Comments

Last summer, we started a team “diet”. Our objective was to be a sleeker and swifter Co-op, with faster and more responsive web sites. We’ve spent the past year focusing on site speed, and doubling-down on the sites we felt were most reflective of our goals.

In order to stay on the wagon, we shut down Should Do This last year. Running fewer websites frees up space in our brains and allows us to pay more attention to sites that people care about. In this spirit, we plan to shut down, sometime in the near future.

43people was our third site, which helped you answer the question “Who do you want to meet?” But it seems like most of you are using 43things to track who you want to meet just fine. Also, the most popular and innovative feature on 43people was subscriptions, which we’ve since ported over to 43things.

We had a fun time building the site and want to thank everyone who used it. Once it’s down, we’ll be able to focus our attention even more on our four remaining sites.

Update: Here’s how to get all your stories and comments off of 43 People

Categories: Announcements