43 days until the new year …

Tomorrow we begin counting down the 43 days until the new year on the 43T homepage. It’s been a year since we launched Snuzzle, the beta version of 43 Things, and January 1, 2006 will mark the 1 year anniversary of 43 Things going live. The Robots hope you’ve enjoyed 43 Things as much as we have. Here’s a list of new 43T features we’re releasing today—check it out:

  • Countdown – 43 days until the new year (actually, you’ll see that tomorrow 11/19/2005)
  • Let me fail
  • Recently cheered goals on the Zeitgeist
  • Photo gallery for 43T goals
  • Cheer a comment

Let Me Fail.
One of our top 43T user requests. Today you can click the I give up link under the I’ve done this button and explain your reasons for giving up. Ah … the sweet smell of failure.

Recently Cheered. We’re swapping Today’s Popular Goals on the Zeitgeist with Recently Cheered Goals. We think this will be more interesting and “funner” to look at. Let us know what you think.

Photo Gallery. You can now upload photos to your goals in much the same way you upload photos to a place on 43 Places. Currently you can upload one photo for every entry on 43T, but it’s tied to the actual entry. Now you can upload multiple photos to any goal and there will be a shared photo gallery at the top of every goal page. It’s probably easier if you give it a whirl instead of me babbling on. Go upload some goal photos and let’s rock the image server!

Cheer A Comment. Cheering. It’s like a mini scoobie snack minus the calories. Now you can cheer comments.

We’ll be releasing new features come 2006 and we’ve got all sorts of interesting Robot ideas brewing in the coming months. So keep on keeping on, make progress, cheer all that is worthy and eat plenty of fruit. We’ll do the same.

8 Responses to “43 days until the new year …”

  1. Ken Villines Says:

    I am a 43Things member and signed up early in the summer. My username is kvillines and I forgot my password. You system keeps telling me it doesn’t have a record of my email on file with you. It won’t reset me so I can use my account.

    I can’t find a support page or support email so I am commenting here.

    Any help would be great!

    -Ken Villines

  2. yakuza Says:

    I’ve given up on two already. One was the <a href=”http://www.43things.com/things/view/323753″ rel=”nofollow” rel=”nofollow”>Carrick party</a>, and the other was the <a href=”http://www.43things.com/things/view/56651″ rel=”nofollow” rel=”nofollow”>blog marathon</a>. I’ve been waiting for this feature for a while, since I didn’t know what to do specificall in regards to meeting Carrick, and now I know what I can do.

    The Cheers in the zeitgiest are indeed “funner” but, maybe you could make it togglable per user? Or have them also show up in your subscriptions? (Maybe you’ve already done the latter, but I didn’t really look too hard).

    The photo gallery per goal is a GREAT idea, as is the ability to cheer comments.

  3. Karen Says:

    I keep getting “oops …go back”error message!! Very frustrating…never had this before today.

  4. null Says:

    cheers for the revisions!

  5. HyacinthGarden/Katia Says:

    Er… couldn’t we see Today’s Most Popular Goals AND recently cheered goals? I like seeing what’s been cheered recently, but I also feel like having a list of the most popular goals is helpful in seeing what’s going on with a lot of 43t’ers on a certain day.

  6. Daniel Spils Says:

    You can still see “Today’s Most Popular Goals”. Just click on the “goals” navigation link on the Zeitgeist and you’ll get today’s most popular goals.

  7. Edina Says:

    Could you get rid of that “deleted comment” thing unless it was deleted after someone already responded to it.

    Tis annoying.
    Thank you!

  8. daniel Says:

    Unfortunately it’s not that easy to remove the “deleted comment” message — mostly because it introduces all sorts of comment threading issues. It ain’t pretty, but it has to be that way. Thanks for bringing it up, Edina.

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