June 29, 2005
Google opening up the APIs for maps and making them available for commercial use shows they are serious when it comes to maps. Reserving the right to add ads to the maps is seriously ingenious.
Yahoo building out a stable of web services which forbid commercial usage show they are seriously joking.
Can you guess which jokers are offering a $5,000 prize for building an app with their webservices, and which one is going to have about 5,000 new apps built in the next few weeks.
And that giant sucking sound? It’s the noise of Microsoft’s MapPoint customers dropping the pay-per-use MapPoint web service and switching to Google’s free for all API.
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Posted by joshp100
June 26, 2005
We’ve been hard at work on our next release (codenamed “Tootietails”) and we are really grateful to everyone who has helped us out with some early testing.
So by way of introduction, the next new thing from the Robot Co-op is a little site we call 43 Places. It’s a way to share stories about great places in your city and around the world. We hope it wil become the same sort of fun that 43 Things has become for tens of thousands of users.
None of projects are ever “done” – they just hit milestones. The first milestone for 43 Places is coming up, as we get ready to release it to the public. We’ve had to leave at least half the good ideas behind in order to get this first half out the door. So getting this site “launched” this week is just a first milestone on a great adventure. One of the really satisfying parts of building sites like 43 Things and 43 Places is that we get to build them together, with you and with the help of great talented people. Like the team at Mule Design who’ve been helping us with this release.
We’ll try and share a bit more about the site over the next few days for those of you who wondering about it. If you’ve got questions, ask away in the comments and if you want an invite – add this goal to your list.
Announcements |
Posted by joshp100
June 21, 2005
Here’s the current themesong for what we are brewing at the co-op (hint: check out the top goal today over on 43 Things).
Little Room
Well you’re in your little room
and you’re working on something good
but if it’s really good
you’re gonna need a bigger room
and when you’re in the bigger room
you might not know what to do
you might have to think of
how you got started in your little room
- White Stripes, Little Room
Thoughts |
Posted by joshp100