New profile page is launched!

It’s live now — if you see some funkiness try reloading the page. Let us know if you discover any bugs. Hope you’re enjoying the new widgets and profile page features.

Tip of the day: try dragging the widgets in your right column and reorder them to taste.

33 Responses to “New profile page is launched!”

  1. Eric Near Says:

    I love it! Everything is very clean and much easier to use. It looked like the style sheet took a while to load, but that might just be on my end. Great job guys! I love this site!

  2. Daniel Spils Says:

    Glad you dig it Eric. Good luck training for the 5K!

  3. C. Chen Says:

    I came across over a year ago - and instantly fell in love with it. The interaction, inspiration of other members, and how awesome it is to have a portal where we can share the progress with each other.

    Now, look at the new page! It’s even better - and I love it that much more!

  4. ToddSchoonover Says:

    I’m still trying to figure out some of the changes, but it seems to be working pretty slick. One thing that I see is missing is easy access to find the things that I have given up on or other people have given up on. Is there a tab or something for that somewhere that I haven’t found?

  5. Daniel Spils Says:

    Thanks for the feedback. Todd — we don’t currently have a link to goals you’ve given up on but we’ll work that back in as a link or widget soon. The data is all still there — just a matter of hooking up the pipes. Thanks for the heads up on that one.

  6. Harijan (nikki) Says:

    i love the new layout! the only thing is, did you guys get rid of the “give up list?” i can’t seem to find it. i liked it a lot cuz i’d go back to it to see if i want to reopen or mark something as accomplished. but it’s wonderful, either way. great update!

  7. Daniel Spils Says:

    Hi Nikki - glad you like the new profile page. We’re working on a link to the “gave up list” that will go under the “I’ve done X things” tab. Should be out there in a few hours.

  8. yrush Says:

    I prefer the old look. Please bring it back.

  9. RP Says:

    I like some of it, but I have some specific things that are bothering me that might be able to be fixed. First, it is now actually *harder* to navigate around the things you have completed. Before at least you could immediately go to the last page of them and then go backwards if you wanted to see something at the end. Would it be possible to make the completed goals able to be reordered alphabetically so that you could find specific ones more easily?

    Also, (and this is more a suggestion for the future) would it be possible to make cheering unavailable for things that you have already cheered? If someone has a very long list of completed things, and you have already cheered everything on their list, it would be nice to be able to know before you go poking around trying to find an uncheered item.

  10. H.S. Says:

    I would have appreciated an email informing me of the layout change, instead of finding it by surprise. I was really unhappy to see the changes.

  11. ansate Says:

    I hate it. It’s too wide for my browser window, I have to scroll further to actually get to my goals, and it’s even harder to add entries for things I am doing again.

    (Is this an inappropriate time to explain that if I’m doing something again, maybe it should show up in my goal list, what with it being a goal I’m trying to accomplish and all?)

  12. Harijan (nikki) Says:

    hey daniel. noticed something else though that apparently happened to some of us, we lost cheers given. i know i’ve given about 2400 cheers, and i went down to about 2200 cheers. i just finished reading a friend’s entry who appears to have lost a heck of a lot more than me. also, even though it says on my main list that i have 55 cheers on my goal, have a baby. it’s my highest cheered goal, but in the list, most cheered, it says that i have 47 cheers on the goal. 43thingers are generally cheer obsessed so losing cheers is such a sad feeling!!

  13. Daniel Spils Says:

    The new page is here to stay — let me see if I can answer some questions:

    RP - the done things are sorted the same as they were before the change. It sounds like you like to jump to the end quickly. True? I know the new pagination allows you to flip through the pages sequentially. As for letting you know you cheered something — that’s one we’ve talked about for about 4 years. I’ll bring it up again.

    H.S. - I’ve been blogging about the new profile page changes since last week. The Robot Co-op blog is where we spread the word about changes, site outages and such. We’ve never sent out a mass email to users and don’t expect to anytime soon. Drop on by this here blog periodically to see what we’re up to.

    Ansate - sorry to hear your hate it.

    Harijan - I’ll look into the Cheers count tomorrow.

    Have a good night folks!

  14. Bananalee Says:

    Hey guys- I love the new look..kind of surprised me though! But I haven’t seen anything I don’t like as of yet.

    **One thing though- Why can’t we see people who are subscribed to us? I can see that there are 3 people subbed to me but I’d like to see who they are.


  15. Softer World Girl Says:

    What about my tags? Where can I find them?

  16. Uncle Enore Says:

    Ok, after an initial typically stupid reaction, I LOVE the new stuff!

    First, the site is prettier, always a good thing for we effete snobs. And I love the altered functionality.

    Plus, I got a lesson about reading your blog so that I don’t look like such a dumbass next time you guys get about something.

    Love it!

  17. llong Says:

    Most people hate new site layouts initially, but get used to it soon enough.

  18. Sparkleman Says:

    I love the new design. It’s great having everything on the front page. Excellent job.

  19. Daniel Spils Says:

    UE, IIlong, Sparkleman - glad you like the new digs!

    Bananalee - we’ve never revealed who is subscribed to you so that’s as it was before the design change. Some folks create goals or just ask their subscribers to reveal themselves, but for the most part your subscribers are a mystery.

  20. Daniel Spils Says:

    SofterWorldGirl — tags aren’t on the page right now. I think we could create a tags widget that would allow you to add your tags back in the right column. Thanks for the heads up.

  21. garythomson Says:

    It’s very nice, well done:)

    Have you taken away the page that showed a person’s entries from across all sites? ‘cos I can’t see it.

  22. garythomson Says:

    I see the link now, please ignore my question-silly me.

  23. Simon (whyowhy) Says:

    So far, so good. The new design looks clearer and cleaner. The biggest problem I have is that I need to rewrite the GreaseMonkey script I use to monitor my available cheers. Oh yeah, what’s happened to the golden Supercheer border?

  24. Adar Says:


    By the way, folks, I appreciate the fact that you do not send out emails and I for one vote that you never do it. Much nicer finding out about things via the blog, where discussions and interaction can and does happen.

    Also thank you for being so wonderfully responsive and interactive.

    As far as I’m concerned, 43Things is the Thing on the Web that I would most mourn if it disappeared. It has become a real joy connecting with friends over stuff that matters to me. I also enjoy getting horrified at what Uncle Enore has posted lately.

    Anyhow, thank you for this wonderful site.

  25. ophelia Says:

    Is there a way to access all out tags? I only very recently tagged all my goals - took me a while but I found it useful. Now they seem to be gone.

    Also is there a way to link up a different Flickr account. I’ve just set up a new one tailored for 43T as I don’t want my personal photos linked up. However when I select the Flickr option in the customise box - my other Flickr account photos automatically come up.

    I like most things about the new 43T. Not really happy about the loss of cheers though.

  26. Daniel Spils Says:

    Ophelia - we just launched a Tags widget. Got to your right column, click “customize” and add the Tags widget. That will bring your tags back to your profile page in the right column.

    For fun, try dragging your widgets up and down the right side to place them where you like them best.

  27. Daniel Spils Says:

    Simon — the gold SuperCheer frame went away with the redesign as Michelle (our designer) was leaving on vacation. So, we got the new SuperCheer icon which is better than the clipart I lifted for the first SuperCheer iteration. When Michelle gets back we’ll try to make SuperCheers even prettier (new border?)

  28. ophelia Says:

    Thanks Daniel. Just set up the Tags option.

    Any idea about the Flickr account info?

  29. Daniel Spils Says:

    Ophelia - wrt to Flickr, click the “edit” link on top of the Flickr widget. It will reveal a field for editing your Flickr username. Enter the Flickr username you want displayed, click save and voila … new photos. Let me know if that works for you.

  30. ophelia Says:

    Excellent. It did work!!!
    Happy now.

  31. snowleopard10 Says:

    I like the changes a lot - the site feels reinvigorated!

    I have three questions:

    1. Would it be possible to have the option to call the “Life List” something else for those of us who feel that’s too sweeping?

    2. On the list of completed goals, it’s now much more obvious whether I’ve said something was worth it or not worth it, and there are some goals where I have inadvertently said “not worth it” and I’d like to change this to “worth it” but I can’t see a way to do this.

    3. Someone else mentioned this above - the page used to resize itself to work with the window available, whereas now when I have my bookmarks open in the sidebar, I have to scroll from left to right. It’s a small thing but would be nice if it could be fixed.

    But on the whole, a big thumbs up! Thanks for everything.

  32. apteryx Says:

    I had the initial negative reaction-”Oh no, they Ajax’ed a once-simple design!” I’m sure I’ll grow to appreciate it in a few days, especially since I checked this blog and found out what that jumping two-arrowed thing at the left is.

    One concern that’s probably not just animalistic reaction to change, though: Has the font really changed to Arial? In the old design, it was easy to *see* my things. Now, the “things” don’t stand out so clearly. Or is the font-change just a glitch in my browser?

  33. Daniel Spils Says:

    RP - we have the original pagination back on the recent entries and goals pages. That should address your request about being able to jump between pages with greater ease. It’s the same as before we launched the redesign. As for the evasive “you already cheered this” link — after a chat with Laurel today she reminded me that it’s a really tough thing to do. Well, actually it’s not tough so much as it would really slow the pages down and you’d be begging me to turn off the feature.

    Harijan - we did a bulk adjustment of the cheer count for everyone. Check out my later post on the cheers adjustment.

    garythomson - we’ve added back the “recent activity” link up top for people you are subscribed to. Enjoy.

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