Is Regina Lewis the mainstream version of getting slashdotted?

We were trying to discover why our traffic jumped by about 30% (taking us up to 14 requests per second and taking the site down with it); we couldn’t figure it out from looking in our logs – and low and behold this showed up in our inbox:

“Great news… was featured in a nationally televised report!

AOL’s Consumer Advisor Regina Lewis talked about the site in her Online Buzz report, which appeared on various local and national news outlets, including CNN’s Headline News. Please click on this link to see streaming video of the story. Feel free to add the link to your web site.


AOL’s Online Buzz Team”

Uh, Thanks! Regina is the new slashdot.

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5 Responses to Is Regina Lewis the mainstream version of getting slashdotted?

  1. Behold the power of television.

  2. Sweetness. Both her and the news.

  3. what’s slashdotting? whatever it is it sounds ugly

    BTW there ought to be a law against obnoxious TV people in general, and of them saturating our playground with their daytime denizens in particular—

  4. that’s hilarious.

  5. So, is there any plan for fixing this problem? I only get into 43P or 43T about 1 out of 10 tries! Makes it less than useable, and far from enjoyable.

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