Fortunes and predictions 1

Posted by daniel Wed, 05 Jul 2006 20:25:00 GMT

Another lunch at Ballet results in the following fortune cookie distribution …

“Success and happiness will come your way.” - Ivan
“You will be admired for internal beauty.” - Todd
“You will meet someone famous.” - Eric
“Good health is in your future.” - Josh
“You will soon meet a helpful person.” - Bob
“Your popularity will increase.” - Daniel

My predictions:
Ivan will move to Slovakia.
Todd will get engaged.
Eric will meet Gerald Sussman.
Josh will bike to work more often.
Bob will soon meet a helpful person.
Someone will subscribe to me today.

Erik is still on a vipassana meditation retreat and appropriately did not collect a fortune today.


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  1. Eliot Wed, 12 Jul 2006 21:25:36 GMT

    Best one I ever got:

    “You will soon travel on a business trip.”

    I got it at a restaurant while I was on a business trip in Spokane.

    Infinite loop? Possible.
