Where do you live? 3

Posted by erik Tue, 17 Jan 2006 01:15:44 GMT

Another sort of hidden feature on our sites is the city view for locals… which we’ll probably be working on a bit more relatively soon.

If you tell us where you live, you can receive a unique view of your city that is more tailored for locals than the normal city page.

How to tell us where you live

  1. Log in to 43 Places
  2. Search for your city
  3. Click “I live here” under the city’s name


When you come back to 43 Places, or visit your profile page on any of our sites, there will be a link to your city’s “wanderlust page”.

Features on this page include:

  1. Goals popular in your city: you can see which things people in your city commonly have on their lists. They generally tend to be locale-specific goals and are an interesting view into what your neighbors are like.
  2. Places in your city that are popular to locals: we filter all of the places that locals are going within the city that they live in… this is a good way to find out about new places from people that know the city as well as you do.
  3. Places outside of your city that are popular to locals: where do people in your city want to go?
  4. A list of other people that live in your city: these are your neighbors and friends.
  5. Recent entries about places in your city: find out about a new bar or sandwich shop from people who live in your city.
  6. Events in your city: if your city has been matched up with upcoming.org (a great and simple site for organizing events) we’ll list them here as well.
  7. RSS for all kinds of things: most of these features also have RSS feeds so you can syndicate them if you want.

Some interesting cities

Seattle locals like visiting Bauhaus and want to summit Mt. Ranier.

London locals like hanging out at Primrose Hill want to run the London marathon, and vacation in Brussels.

Shanghai locals want to save $400 to buy a cute cat and want to visit Wuxi.

Where do you live?


Leave a response

  1. vex Thu, 19 Jan 2006 18:05:04 GMT

    It doesn’t work for me. :( I’ve marked “I live here”, but it shows the standard page (/places/view/....) instead of the wanderlust page.

  2. Shawn+Smith Sun, 22 Jan 2006 18:27:29 GMT

    Upcoming.org connection for Portland Oregon is not linking. Great idea, however.

  3. Paul Fri, 27 Jan 2006 19:48:42 GMT

    What if my goal isn’t so popular? I’d like to find other people in my city with common interests. Having a person I could establish a F2F with would encourage me in certain goals, even if they’re not region-specific. can I search for people who want to, say, learn Ruby, but live nearby?
