Postcards arrive at the Co-op! 3

Posted by daniel on 8/25/2005

The mail a postcard to The Robots from one of my 43 Places goal went up a couple weeks ago and we’ve already received 4 postcards from users. So far 6 people want to do this, but we’re hoping to get more 43 Places users to start sending postcards in from around the world so we can plaster our white walls.

Our first postcard writers:

Send us a postcard 5

Posted by daniel on 8/9/2005

On the way to coffee today Josh mentioned that we should start asking 43 Places users to send us postcards from the road. How ‘bout it? Here’s our postcard address:

The Robot Co-op
1122 E. Pike Street
Seattle, WA 98122

We’ll tape your postcard to the office wall. If we get a few we’ll take a picture of the wall and post some pictures. Ideally you’d send us a postcard from one of your 43 Places destinations. Wish you were here!

Pear Apple 5

Posted by daniel on 9/8/2004

There’s a pear and three apples on our new desks. Things continue to roll at the Robot Co-op.

Robot Stereo 2

Posted by erik on 9/2/2004

New internet hookup plus Airport Extreme plus Airport Express plus 3 PowerBooks with between 10-30 gigs of music on them each plus new rocking stereo equals excellent music for robots.

The first full song I played: Metric’s Succexy.

Day One 1

Posted by erik on 8/30/2004

This is the office on the first morning that I showed up for work. Josh and Daniel will be here soon, and I’m listening to Scissor Sisters and reading chapter 5 of “Programming Ruby”.