Who We Are
Josh Petersen
Erik Benson
Chief Janitorial Officer
Todd Gehman
Holiday Inventor
Daniel Spils
Ivan Opalka
Bob Cottrell
Eric Hodel
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OK, technically speaking, Hugster isn’t a pony, like Twinkler or Snuzzle. Hugster is a Bushwoolie, the strange furry companions of My Little Ponies.
They appeared in My Little Pony: The Movie and in various television specials. In Year 5, they became figurines, sold with the Princess Ponies. You can read more about them if you are so inclined.
But as far as the Robot Co-op is concerned, Snuzzle was our prototype for 43 Things, Twinkler our teaser, and Hugster is the release candidate which we’ll launch as 43 Things. So far, we been inviting 3 or 4 people each day to try out Hugster and give us some feedback. This coming week, we want to ramp that up to 43 people a day. So we need you to sign up to test it out!
We’ll also be revealing a bit more over the next few weeks about what it is we are hoping to do and showing some screenshots to share with you. Here’s the first - it is a the sign-on screen to the Beta - and we’ll even link to it today. If you’ve been invited into Hugster, you’ll see this page when you respond to the invitation. If you haven’t been invited yet, click on the image below, scroll down and enter your email address to be an early adopter. We’ll confirm your email address and add you to the pool of potential invitees.
Thanks for your interest in doing 43 Things.
Posted by Josh Petersen | Announcements |
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